"Questão a resolver: como conciliar a crença que o mundo é, em grande parte, uma ilusão, com crença na necessidade de melhorar essa ilusão? Como ser simultaneamente desapaixonado e não indiferente, sereno como um velho e ativo como um jovem?" Aldous Huxley


On the radio


This is how it works:
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath

No, this is how it works:
You peer inside yourself
You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into some
Someone else's heart
Pumping someone else's blood
And walking arm in arm
You hope it don't get harmed
But even if it does
You'll just do it all again


(On the radio - Regina Spektor)