"Questão a resolver: como conciliar a crença que o mundo é, em grande parte, uma ilusão, com crença na necessidade de melhorar essa ilusão? Como ser simultaneamente desapaixonado e não indiferente, sereno como um velho e ativo como um jovem?" Aldous Huxley


those demigods with their nine-inch nails and little fascist panties tucked inside the heart of every nice girl... (tori amos)

How could you look the way you do, when we can do so much for you?
A drug for eyes, a drug for hips, a drug to give you sweeter lips to kiss
A screw, a pull, a twist, the drug that makes you prettiest
It's sad but true, you'll be ignored - Unless you have a credit card
Imagine life fulfilled and fun; you could be a model, or just feel like one...
Girls, the men are playing court, to us, girls are playing everything they ought
Because we're beautifiers, face-destroyers, aunts, mothers, sisters, daughters
Buy it, use it, feel it, let it, If you don't, you're ugly sad and tragic...
An 85 step diet plan - You need to try to please that man
(amanda palmer)